Analytics & Reporting
DIGI CLIP analytics is a powerful tool that will help assess your organisation’s performance and identify trends and problem areas over time.
Forms Submitted Graph
The forms submitted graph provides data on the number of forms or a single form that has been submitted over a period of time. The graph can be viewed as a bar or line graph.
Snap Shot of the Action Register
The Action Register Overview graphic displays a snapshot of the performance of the Action Register. Quickly identify the number of actions overdue through to actions that have been closed out.
Number of Form Submissions
The Form Submissions graphical provides the number of forms that have been submitted over a period of time.
Number of People
The Number of People graphical provides the number of people that have submitted forms over a period of time.
Failed List Items
The Failed List Items graphical provides the number of faults, defects or other issues reported over a period of time. Failed List Items are calculated from smart fields used in checklists.
Filters are used to drill down into your data. The Number of Forms Graph and the Form Submissions, Number of People and Failed List Items all use the main filter to calculate the data.
Frequently Failed List Items
The Frequently Failed List Items is a list of the ten most failed list items taken from smart fields in checklists. This list is automatically generated. The list can be generated also by using the date picker.
Insights to improve safety, compliance and take your business processes to another level
Take your data to the next level with DIGI CLIP mobile forms checklist and inspection software. The analytics page can be exported as a PDF to help communicate your data. Analytics will help identify areas of improvement where corrective measures can be implemented for safety, compliance and business processes.
DIGI CLIP mobile forms – What We Do?
DIGI CLIP mobile forms is an easy-to-use inexpensive safety checklist app and cloud-based software. DIGI CLIP is used across different industries to capture safety data and other information to help improve safety, compliance and operational efficiencies.
DIGI CLIP will allow you to remove paper reporting from your business – no more lost, late missing or illegible checklists. The DIGI CLIP mobile app allows for images, comments and digital signatures to be added to checklists from a phone or tablet.
Follow this link if you want to know more about what we do and how we can help or send us a message?
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