How do digital truck inspections work?
There are many reasons why fleet managers move away from paper-based truck inspections and adopt digital truck inspections. Some of these reasons include:
- Standardisation of inspections across an organisation,
- Being able to add photographs of faults or defects to checklists,
- Reduced storage costs compared to paper-based inspections,
- Automated alerts for identified faults or defects,
- Increased efficiency in the administration of checklists and inspections (in some cases up to 65% reduction in admin costs),
- Able to track the workflow of faults or defects from initial identification to rectification (closing the loop), and
- Increased accountability by running reports on who has submitted checklists.
So how do digital truck inspections work?
Digital vehicle checklist inspections are completed on a smartphone or tablet using a mobile app. Inspection templates are fully customisable to meet organisational needs and the cloud-based software archives checklist inspections and communicate failed checklist items (faults and defects) to those that need to know. The cloud-based software adds the required repairs to an Action Register. The Action Register tracks and informs the workflow of the repairs.
In short, this is how it all works:
- The driver completes the required daily pre-start checks using the DIGI CLIP mobile app on a smart device.
- The cloud-based software automatically adds any faults or defects to the Action Register. The fleet manager schedules repairs.
- When the repairs are complete, the Action Register is updated. The Action Register can upload supporting documentation.
- The repairs are closed-out by the fleet manager. The Action Register automates an email informing the driver of the repairs.
- The vehicle is back on the road with evidence of the repairs and is safe and compliant.
If you would like to find out more about digital truck inspections you can follow this link.
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